Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Computer Update

Computer Update..


At the Social Club meeting we presented our request to help finance the new computer lab. It will be developed in 3 phases and the money needed for Phase one is $300. The Social Club voted with all yay votes and a few abstentions to cover that cost.

Jim Dodds is providing all the technical know how and so we are using his advice on what to buy. Today I placed an order for all the phase 1 parts. They were offering several good rebates on the stuff. So, when we get these parts we will send in for the rebates. When the rebates come back we will be able to use that money to purchase some WiFi access point stuff for the clubhouse and still stay in budget.  Spent $276.  Rebates maybe $70.

Jim has put that Correl paint on 4 computers so far.. You painters are going to love this. I oil paint and am looking forward to giving it a spin myself.

When you have computers networked together it is necessary to name them to keep them in order and for troubleshooting purposes. So far Jim has finished updating to Windows 2000 on two and mentioned 2 others in a comment below. They are all named after famous chipmunks.. Alvin, Dale, Chip etc.  He said Alvin and Dale are ready to come home to the clubhouse. We (Jacky and I)will be missing tomorrow ..have to go to Salem.

We will be putting coffee cans with slotted lids in the clubhouse soon. You can write your name and put it in the appropriate can for the older computers we are going to give a way to make room for all our new chipmunks. We will have other free give a ways for the extra monitors and printers. Look for the poster with dates and rules at the clubhouse soon.

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