Near Tsunami... Far Tsunami ??? Please read this it may just save your bacon.Last night a group of CERT people and other interested parties attended a lecture on Tsunami's and how they affect us, Oregon's Coastal Community. The lecture was at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. Although it had some local leaders in the community it was replete with scientists.
They had the research and pictures to illustrate the message they wanted to bring to our community. They talk in a different language sometimes called Scientificeze according to the moderator but they had come to point out a warning the best they knew how and it got through to me. I am going to condense it and put it here as simply as I can.
The message is that, "Life often brings you the event and you learn your lesson as the result."
In this case the lessons were:
- The Indonesian tsunami is exactly what they expect here because the geology is similar.
- Those that knew what to do were saved (More or less).
- The height of previous tsunami's here (ages ago) is still under investigation. One group feels not above 40ft . Some scientists are investigating cores from Salt Marshes along the coast that suggest ancient waves that were much higher.
- The earthquake that is likely to cause a "Near Tsunami" to happen here is going to be far larger and prolonged than anyone here has ever felt.
- Government help might not arrive for days (Look at Katrina).
There are two kinds of Tsunamis. Near Tsunami and Far Tsunami.
Let's look at the Far Tsunami first. These are generated far north of here in the general area of Alaska. Earthquakes of over 7.1 magnitude generated there have the potential of causing a far tsunami here in Newport and further down the Pacific coast. We feel nothing! But, the waves may be on the way. They take 3 or 4 hours to get here. They will keep coming, one after another, for up to 8 hours. We will be warned by TV, and radio and NOAA Emergency Radio of the possibility of a Tsunami. DON'T GO TO THE BEACH TO WATCH THEM... It may be the last thing you do. Wait for the all clear from the media before going anywhere.
The aftermath of a far tsunami may leave our community stranded as hwy 101 may be cut and bridges washed out locally and inland.
The Near Tsunami.. This is where you really need to pay attention. In the above scenario you had plenty of warning and you knew what to do. Everything is orderly and planned. Enter the near Tsunami.... Chaos! You must think and plan what to do now in order to increase your chances of survival. There will be NO broadcast warning. NONE! NADA! Knowledge can save you! Knowing what to do and drilling your family on it is your greatest chance for survival.
The near tsunami will happen as a result of a massive earthquake from a fault that lies some 70 miles off of our coast and running through Northern California, Oregon and Washington.. It will happen! Core samples show that it has happened every 300 to 500 years. The last one happened in January 1700. The quake may go from one end of that fault to the other resulting in what may be the longest in time and distance that those alive today have ever seen or felt. The scientists feel that this monster will be in the range of a 9.1 earthquake.
Your warning.. How will you know? It's not a siren, a bell or a whistle! Your Warning is the Earthquake itself. A tsunami is further indicated by a withdrawing of water out to sea. If you see that there is no doubt that one is on the way. During the quake duck, cover, and hold on. After the quake get to high ground. Do not pause to get anything.. Get going.. Get to high ground immediately. Don't drive, walk,the roads will be jammed. You have about 10 to 15 minutes before the first Tsunami arrives.
If you live in the park the elevation at my home is 235ft above sea level so you are on safe ground here. If you are somewhere else along the coast follow the signs that point the route to safe ground.
CERT's job is to prepare for this type of emergency. We would love you to take the course this September and come join our ranks. We should have a date time and place for the training soon.. We will let you know.