Keeping up with those that need a hand
Today we witnessed a caring act and want to share it with you and put forth an idea for consideration. First the caring act....
Since the idea of using FRS radios as an aide to Neighborhood Watch keeping everyone informed and to keep CERT informed in disasters.. we have watched the program slowly take roots with more listeners and talkers. Things like this take time and they evolve slowly. We know the resistance to new ideas has to be broken down slowly.. One neighbor at a time. But today we witnessed a spontaneous good deed tied to this new program. Could it be that this good deed could lead to an even better use of this fledgling network?
Liz Hill called me on the FRS CH5 radio after she had tried to make contact with RuthAnne Carson. Said she hadn't heard Ruthanne today and couldn't raise her on the radio. Those of you who listen know that Ruthanne is a presence on our CH 5 and can be raised almost anytime. Liz then called Ruthanne on the telephone out of concern for her welfare. Neighbor checking on neighbor. Ruthanne was ok and everything went back to normal.
This got me to thinking what if neighbors who have disabilities and are largely stuck at home could let the Neighborhood Watch coordinators know that they would like our new network to check on them if they don't check in once a day on the radio?
responsibility for checkins could be rotated between block captains.
What do you think?