Following the old adage...
That visiting relatives and dead fish are welcome for a very limited amount of time... We start the journey home tomorrow. For those that want to follow the convoluted route around the Los Angeles traffic here is how we go to Lori's home.
- I-10 west from Beaumont to Redlands
- 57 north to north San Bernaardino
- I-215 north junction of 215 and 15 San Bernardino
- 15 north to Cajon Pass Summit
- 18 west to junction of 395
- 395 north to Kramer Junction in the Mojave Desert
- 58 west to Bakersfield
- 99 south to junction of 119 (3 miles)
- 119 west (7 miles)
- I-5 north
- 152 west
- 101 north
- To Sunnyvale..
very easy.. very peaceful.. traffic nil and mostly freeway or 4 lane divided road 70 mph speed limit. No Kidding! And when you consider the amount of time traveling at 19 miles an hour with stop and go traffic in LA and surrounding area.. a heck of a lot faster. Check road conditions on the 395, 58 and Cajon Summit for snow or ice before using this route.
Two days rest then home to Newport.