On the left a new link!
YOU CAN HELP! PROJECTS OUR COMMUNITY NEEDSThis is a "list" web page. This list is a try at a solution for a large problem. There are so many good ideas that come our way dealing with this or that... that somebody should deal with. While you may wonder who somebody is as I do. Certainly, we must realize at some level, that we are all somebody. The page will reflect ideas that should or could be done for the welfare of the community.
Here they will either rest in a boneyard of wishes or you as single person or as a group will say you know that is a really good idea and I am going to do it. Simple as that. If the idea has no merit, I expect it will be off to the boneyard with it. But, if you find it has merit then you can start on it or you can email me and say you would like to work with others to accomplish it... I'll keep track and keep the site uptodate.. notify groups willing to work together of other potential members.
What happens on the page will evolve itself. I will eventually move ideas to another page of finished or completed or to a boneyard page.. For now ideas will be up for 1 month and if they have no progress it will be off to the boneyard for them.
This new page is a google doc page and for those that know what that means I'm looking for help keeping it upto date.