SCAN USA... SAFE COMMUNITY ALERT NETWORK. Presented by AT&TSome of you have seen the poster on the bulletin board. Above is the link to where you can sign up. Here is how it works...
AT&T and government and private partners are providing this as a free service to Americans all over the country. They will call your cell phone or send you an email immediately when an alert is posted on a local or national network. You select the alerts you want to be notified about and assign each one whether it is a cell ph alert or an email alert or both..
Personally, I have signed up for alerts pertinent to Lincoln County but if you have a relative you are watching after anywhere in the states you can sign up for that too by zip code.
We will list the alerts you can have momentarily but we would like to take a minute and explain one type of alert to you.
Tsunami.... This alert is very important to us here on the coast. Within minutes of an alert being generated you can have this one sent to your Cell Phone and to your computer. Now that will cover a lot of time for a lot of us. However, it is missing one ingredient.. What about the time when we are sleeping at Oh dark thirty? CERT team members are going to set up a duty roster on which 2 members at a time keep their Cell phones on 24/7 and by their beds just to cover this eventuality. We will sound the alarm if you are asleep.
We think this is a vital way to look after the community’s well being. All the other alerts we would like to have we are having sent to our individual email. Tsunami, though is one you need to have on your cell phone. If your neighbor doesn’t have a cell phone make a deal with them to inform them of a tsunami alarm.
Alert Type:
- Health Advisory
- Sexual Predator Alert
- Environmental Alert
- Neighborhood Crime Alert
- Weather Alert
- Public Safety
- Cyber Alert
- Neighborhood Announcement
- Amber Alert
- Local Emergency Alert
- Consumer Fraud Alert
- Homeland Security Alert
- Consumer Information
- Fire
- School Emergency
- Traffic EmergencyAlert
- Tsunami Alert
- FDA Recall Alert
You can set up one or all of the above alerts. You can have them sent to your cell or computer or both.
Now we know that some don't have a computer... You don't need one if you have a cell phone. We also know that enrolling in programs such as this are mindboggling for some of you. You simply have a hard time with the computer...
So, CERT (we) will enroll you if you have a computer. Here is what we can do. You can send us your name and email address and what alerts you want from the above list and tell us whether you want them sent to your cell phone, email or both. We will go online and register you. When we are done SCAN USA will send you an email saying you are registered and to visit their site to confirm you are the right person. We will give you a password so that you can do that.
From then on you are on your own.. Change your password if you like, add or drop alerts or cancel out of the service.