Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ron's Wish List for LVH...

I'm going to put up a wish list for LVH now and I am willing to work to get these items. Let me know how you think I can go about getting them.

  1. An AED (Automated External Defibulator) to be located at the clubhouse. This machine has the potential of saving a heart attack victim during social activiities such as dinners, breakfasts, Pinochle, Social club meetings, Pool. There are 13 people here trained in the use of the machine. Quite frankly, I think we could hold a half hour class and show the whole community how to use it. A rebuilt one costs around $750 according to the internet.
  2. A large screen TV for the clubhouse. Sport night at the clubhouse, complete with hotdogs and? Lectures projected on screen from laptops for meetings. Movie night at the clubhouse. Watch and dress night like a Soprano's Party. Cost around $1300 for a 52 inch model. A lot of us get NETFLIX dvd's That would allow everyone to see the latest movies if we had a DVD player to go with it. Cost about $60. (Hey it's my wish list! :)
  3. Lot#'s put in small unobtrusive, visible numbers on everyone's outdoor lamp post plus a flourescent green dot for those folks that have oxygen and maybe a red dot for those that need help moving. The only number that is completely unique to your home is the lot#. It is orderly and would make your home very easy to find by the CERT team in an emergency. All the new Rescue/Neighborhood Watch maps are being drawn by lot #... Frosting on the cake would be allowing us to put the numbers on the posts for you. Cost a pittance. Probably less than $25 for the whole community.

Have you got some wishlist items? If so let us know. I think we might start a website that shows the items and ideas on how to get them and if any progress is being made.

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