Friday, January 06, 2006

Gmail - Arctic Refuge drilling, gas price gouging: Boycott Exxon!

Gmail - Arctic Refuge drilling, gas price gouging: Boycott Exxon!: "What would you do with $25 billion? Well, if you were ExxonMobil you'd continue to insist on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, sabotage efforts to slow global warming, and try to weasel out of paying the full amount owed to the fishermen and Native Americans affected by the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, which killed hundreds of thousands of seals, otters, birds, fish and whales. That's what ExxonMobil is doing with its historic $25 billion in profits from 2005.

But we're making a difference. Wildlife supporters from across the country banded together last month to narrowly defeat ExxonMobil's latest attempt to industrialize the Arctic Refuge. This was a huge victory for the polar bears, caribou and other wildlife that call the Refuge home! "

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