Friday, January 06, 2006 Poems - The Comet by Anon Poems - The Comet by Anon: "The Comet

by Anon

Oh, you Mistuh Comet,
Travelin' th'oo de sky.
You's got us all a-tremble
As you comes a-brushin' by.
We don' know what you's up to;
An' we don't know whah you's bin,
Nor whah you is a-gwineter.
You's jes' a-buttin' in!

Look here, Mistuh Comet,
As on yoh way you ride.
You ain't much in partic'lar,
An' mostly gassified.
You's like some folks I knows of
Dat raises heaps o' fuss
Wifout a-bein' nuffin
Except mysterious! "

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