Friday, November 03, 2006



     Shortly before our move to Utah we made a COSTCO run to stock up on supplies to avoid the sales tax here.  While walking down the candy aisle I reminded Marilynn that we would be in our new home on Halloween.  She accused me of making excuses so I could have have candy for myself, but agreed to stock up anyway.  She even let me pick out the type of candy, so naturally I chose my favorites....Butterfinger bars and Tootsie Pops.
On Halloween night we only had eight "goblins" come to our door.
As it turns out, Brigham City shuts down Main Street at 3:30 on Halloween and the parents in the area bring their "goblins" down town where the merchants dispense candy on the side walk in front of their store.  As amazing as it seems, there were almost TWO THOUSAND children in all sorts of costumes for the annual event.
So here we are at our new home with two large bags of uneaten Halloween candy.  I wonder what will become of it.................heh, heh, heh!
Have a happy day,   Jim McCrea

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