Tuesday, October 31, 2006

An email from ROB THOMAS the Lincoln County Tax Collector.. re: meeting with LVH residents

Thanks for your interest in the assessment process.
Several of my appraisers tell me that they are already in the process of preparing specific information for some of your owners at Longview Hills such as Richard Garvy, Mike Larsen and Wade Dudley.
I would be willing to set-up and participate in a meeting for Longview Hills in the Commissioners Conference room here in the Courthouse. Such a meeting would be generic in nature and could include handouts and information.
Specific information about a particular tax account would best be accommodate at the Assessor's Office where we would have access to information about a single account.
Would you be interested in this type of meeting? Please let me know what you think.
Rob Thomas

My Responsding email...

Thank you for responding so timely. I've put your letter on our website and after a day or two I will be able to see how our folks respond to the idea. Meanwhile do you have any date or meeting times in mind?

Thank you,
Ron Thomas

***We suggest as a community you should indicate your interest in having this meeting like so many of you have been suggesting.

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