Saturday, November 04, 2006

FireFox Weatherbug Extension...

For a very long time we spoke to everybody about getting and using the FireFox web browser. Just a little about it and then on to a new feature on it that we would like you to use.

Most of you use Internet Explorer as a web browser. A web browser is the program you load to look at the internet. Some of you use NetScape as a browser.

A time back we tried to convince everyone to switch to FireFox as their browser of choice. You can have as many browsers as you want loaded on to your computer... Won't hurt a thing. The problem with Internet Explorer ( the one that has the stylized 'e' as an Icon on your desktop) is that according to Jim Dodd's it is now seeing 13,000 attacks a day from hackers trying to find a way to screw up your computer and your life. Fire Fox has fewer attacks because of the way it is structured and because it is less known. Simply put's a lot safer. That said it is also quite a bit faster too. It is a pleasure to use compared to Internet Explorer.

Now none of that will probably get you to try FireFox but that is not what I am upto today. I have been hunting programing scripts all day that we can keep on this site that will show NOAA Alerts, Advisories and Warnings. Putting it just on the LVH site would be limiting although I would like it there.

However, I ran across a new extension for FireFox that is just what the Dr. ordered. So...., If you have FireFox here is what we want you to do... Click the link below.. Once there click the Weatherbug download button and download that extension. Close FireFox and come back online. You will find a new updating weather bar on your website. It is going to warn you when there is something going on and if you click it you can see the weather as it is happening in real time... I like it to be located in the top menu bar. You can move it around by clicking options... This is great addition to your daily personal information.

Here is the Link:

try it

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