Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another email to Rob Thomas, Lincoln County Tax collector


I just had a thought. We could have a vitual meeting on the net. We could do it in a way that does not disturb anybody's schedule and would allow you and your staff to comment on questions.

Our web log has a commenting feature and an email posting feature. Here is how I envision the virtual meeting going.

We announce that you will take questions from residents and answer them right here on the website. People would then ask questions in the comments section. You could reply in the comments or I could give you a special email address that automtically posts your response as an article with its own comment section. This would continue untill everyone is satisfied.

The beauty of it would be that you could answer and read questions at your leisure.. No set time frame.. Time to consider responses.You could answer tommorow or in an hour, your choice. I would keep up with community responses so that they stay on a platonic level and not degenerate into emotional outbursts.

Take a look at our site on the web and look at a few of the comments and articles to get a feel for what I'm talking about. If you want to give it a try you will probably be the first person in Oregon government to do this.
Ron Thomas

Rob Thomas (Lincoln County Tax Collector) responds to invitation for a virtual meeting on our webpage.

Your web page is not too bad!! I especially like the posting and comment features. Very interactive for your residents.
Yes, I/we would be happy to participate in an interactive question/answer process whenever you are ready. I hope that we can give easy to understand answers..... as our assessment process is now governed by more than 300 pages of statutes accompanied by administrative rules and too many court cases to mention- that are supposed to explain what the statutes really mean (in attorney language). Of course, there are a couple of Constitutional amendments covered in section 11 that will numb the mind and boggle the imagination.
We are still getting quite a few phone calls and visits to the counter due to the tax statements....but we'll try to answer as prompt as possibel!!
Rob Thomas

Ron Says (that's me the guy writing all this stuff) I can set this up. It would be a townhall meeting over a few days. I know it would be hard to ask for full participation from everyone but here is a chance to get a one on one with the head of an agency. You might try for weeks to have an opportunity like this on an individual basis. On his part he is willing to give it a try which you have to admire. What I want from you is an indication you are going to participate. That means you will ask all of your questions in the comment section and ask for clarification of that which you don't understand. Are you willing to do that? There is a new poll going up on the left side of the page where we would appreciate you voting on whether you will participate or not.

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