Friday, February 10, 2006

NOVA Online | Methuselah Tree | Explore the Methuselah Grove

Ron says:
Jacky and I went here and it was one great experience. Standing with the oldest living things on Earth.. Nobody hardly visits this place. I bet you thought the Sequia Trees were the oldest trees? Not so! Thes are their ancient grandfathers... read on.
NOVA Online | Methuselah Tree | Explore the Methuselah Grove: "Explore the Methuselah Grove
Text and photography by Don Bain

A visit to the ancient bristlecone pine forest in California's White Mountains begins with a dramatic climb from the desert in Owens Valley at 4,000 feet elevation to the Schulman visitor center at 10,000 feet. This high in the mountains it is always cool and may be cold even in mid-summer, but the air is dry and the sun is usually shining. After visiting the small museum and information center, most people take the self-guided nature trail."

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