Monday, November 21, 2005

Update On The Bark S

Update On The Bark Stopper....


Recently, a group of us went to see the Pointer Sisters at the Chinook Winds Casino. Before going there we all seven of us sat down to dinner. During the pre dinner conversation Kathy Furgason remarked to NancyLee Moore that whatever she had done to stop her dogs from barking had really worked good. She told Nancylee that the dogs had a high pitched bark that was easy to hear but she had not heard anything for quite awhile.

NancyLee, as you may recall, bought an X-10 (home automation) dog bark control. The unit has been on for several weeks and the animals have learned that when they bark they are rewarded with a high pitched tone that they find disagreeable. The tone is inaudible to humans. In effect the dogs have taught themselves good manners.

Here then, is a simple solution for folks in the neighborhood whose animals are bothering other neighbors without getting upset at one another. If a disagreement has gone so far that people are not talking over this kind of problem then either the owner of the dogs or the offended party can install one in their yard. It has a pretty good range of operation.

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