Saturday, November 26, 2005

Synopsis of December

Synopsis of December activities
By Jacky Thomas


10am Truffles and candy. If you have an easy and favorite recipe and want to bring all the supplies for it, we will help you make it... the word is EASY RECIPE....Candies will be shared at the tree trimming party


6 pm  Trim the tree party.   New residents bring a decorated ornament to hang on the tree.  This is a potluck  snack get together..   appetizers, desserts,.. anything  you want to bring is great...We’ll have coffee and spiced cider for everyone.  Bring your wine or favorite beverage...


1 PM  we’re decorating gingerbread houses.  We have 13 houses.. so sign up early.. the house is already built.. all you do is decorate with the candies provided in the kit.   COST IS $4 PER house.


1pm...... we’re doing xmas arrangements.  Ron and Jim ROSE cut tons of fresh greens for us.. so all you need is a container, clippers , holiday piks and $3 FOR SUPPLIES. Bring your favorite beverages and a snack to share.  The arrangements when finished look like they have just come out of a florist shop.  Join us for a great time....


1 pm..... CHRISTMAS day potluck... social hour is at 1 pm   dinner follows at 2 p.m.  Sign up at the clubhouse today for the food you will bring... We have a great turnout and always tons of food .  Please don’t be by yourself this holiday .. No pity parties allowed on this day...  Join your neighbors and friends..


CASINO NITE.......if we get volunteers to help set up, dealers, clean up people , we will have casino nite.  SIGN UP at the clubhouse.  If we don’t have volunteers for casino nite, how about a poker tournament or just games, cards and snacks.  Bring your favorite beverages .. coffee and sodas are furnished. WE will have a sign up sheet for  these choices also.. so sign what you want to do...

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