Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thoughts on keeping

Thoughts on keeping a good deal....

RT (idea by Jacky Thomas)

As many know, Joy Newman has been the historian for Longview Hills since the beginning of the park. Her scrap books of the past are in the clubhouse for all to see and enjoy a trip of nostalgia.

Joy recently resigned as historian for our community because she says that she no longer recognizes many of our citizens because of the influx of new folks. That makes it difficult for her to know when a community member is being mentioned in the newspaper.

Here we have a very valuable person who has amassed a lot of history leaving a post not likely to be filled anytime soon.

But ! !!  Joy says she would not mind continuing to do the task it’s just that she does not recognize everybody anymore.... hmmmm....uhhhh. Are you thinking what we are thinking?

How about we all cut pictures and turn explanations of the clippings over to Joy via her mailbox in the clubhouse? Then she can continue being our historian. Me thinks we probably should have been doing that all along.

Also, if more people would take pictures at clubhouse functions and give them to Joy that would even make a better history we think.

You owe it to yourself, perhaps on some future rainy day, to sit with these scrap books and a cup of coffee and watch the story of Longview Hills unfold before your eyes. They are located atop the bookcases in the clubhouse.

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