Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mother's Homemade Tubing Roller

Mother's Homemade Tubing Roller: "Mother's Homemade Tubing Roller

If you've already read the backyard greenhouse article on page 80 of this issue, you know that one of the tools required to build the little 'sun shed' is a tubing roller. Now such a device—if purchased—could cost you several hundreds of dollars, because it's normally a motor-driven 'professionals only' machine.

A roller is used to shape lengths of standard conduit or electrical metallic tubing (EMT) into arcs (rather than merely to form a corner, as is the case with the far more common tube bender) for use in framing, toolmaking, and other kinds of fabrication. On several occasions MOTHER's shop crew has felt a sore need for one of the handy implements . . . so finally they just up and built their own 'North Carolina copy', which fills the bill perfectly!"

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