Sunday, February 19, 2006

Seen the Poll

Seen the Poll???

Wow! Our current poll is showing a definite need for a computer club at LVH that selection is leading the other 9 choices by a huge margin ... 17 votes so far on it at this writing out of 28.

What would this club look like? Would it meet every week or would it meet on line in a chat room? What would we do? The computer lab fills up pretty fast would people use the main room at the clubhouse? That makes you wonder how many have laptop computers.

Did you know we will be wireless all through the clubhouse soon? That means your laptop can go on the internet at the clubhouse.

17 people.. We could all be on line together playing games all during the week.  If you haven’t polled yet do so.. Put some ideas here in the comments about what you think a computer club would do..

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