Tuesday, August 02, 2005

FIREFOX and Our Website

Firefox??? What the heck is that? Well it's a Browser....???? Huh? Well those of you who don't have the web browser program called FireFox must have a web browser. Why? Because the program you are looking at right now to view the internet with is your browser. Many of you have Internet Explorer and that is most likely what you are using right now. When you click that stylized, blue
e on your desktop... Your computer loads internet explorer and puts you onto the internet. You've always used it and are used to it. You are in your comfort zone. Why change? It works good enough for you. "If ain't broke don't fix it". Well you may just might want to take a gander at something new and I'll tell you why......

Why you are using Internet Explorer?... Certainly not because you have tried a number of browsers (Exception= Jim Dodds) and made a choice based on experience... Nope, you use MICROSOFT internet explorer because it came loaded on your computer and it was free. Microsoft did that for you because they knew you would use their product and they could make kazillions of bucks advertising all over their browser. They knew you would get used to it and resist change.

90% of the entire world uses Internet Explorer because it came loaded for free on their computers when they bought them. Now Internet Explorer has come under attack largely because of flaws in its programming and it turns out fixs to fix the fixs on a daily basis. All this fixing has made the program bulky and slow moving.

Given the wide use of Internet Explorer it is a big target for hackers who chew up it's security constantly. They do that because they want attention or because they want to steal money from the large amounts moving across the internet. They are able to do it because some of the programming used IE (Internet Explorer) is easily perverted to hacking.

Wellllll ....

Now lets talk about FireFox... Well it is a browser. It almost looks exactly like Internet Explorer... Works the same way except it is a lot easier and has features that make it more fun and easier to use.
It loads a web page 2 to 3 times faster than IE. You have to learn nothing to make it work if you already no how to use IE because it works just like IE but better. It has enhanced security features that block hacking. It is developed by open source code (IE is not open source) OPen Source?? Well , all the code in IE is developed by Microsoft . The code developed to run FireFox is developed by the entire programing community world wide. Programmers that have found ways to secure this browser work in concert to build this work of art for the rest of the world.

So let's see..

FireFox is more secure ... It works like IE but better... You don't have to relearn anything to use it... It is faster... It has more features that make your internet experience more fun. It even copies all of your IE "Favorite PLaces" to FireFox (FireFox calls Favorite Places "Bookmarks").

Almost convinced to try it but wavering a bit? Here is what you need to know You can have 1.. 2 .. 3 or even 10 browsers loaded on your computer and the computer doesn't care one bit. Won't hurt your computer a bit. You can remove any browser from your computer at any time. Each browser will put an Icon on your desktop and whichever icon you click that's the browser you will use to view the internet that time. They don't interfere with each other. You are the boss. You say which browser to use. So why not download FireFox and give it a try. I'm available to help if you get stuck or many of our neighbors are using the Fox now so somebody in this community can help you.

Feeling adventurous now? Click the FireFox Link on the left side of this page and download FireFox now.. You can still use Internet Explorer so you are risking nothing.

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