Friday, February 03, 2006

In Energy Work, One Hand Giveth and the Other Taketh - New York Times

In Energy Work, One Hand Giveth and the Other Taketh - New York Times: "In Energy Work, One Hand Giveth and the Other Taketh

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Published: February 3, 2006

WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 — President Bush supports the development of ethanol, wind power and other forms of renewable energy. So does Congress. But their goals differ in ways that compete for research dollars and are costing some government researchers their jobs.

About one research dollar in every five appropriated by Congress for the development of renewable energy sources is for a specific project inserted directly into the budget on behalf of a member of the House or Senate, and directed to a contractor or a university in the lawmaker's state or district. When ordered to pay for such pet projects, known as earmarks, the Energy Department reduces spending on similar projects at its own laboratories."

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