Saturday, December 03, 2005


Christmas HANDI-HINT....

As told to RT by Jim Rose...

Yesterday, Jim Rose and I assembled LVH’s new Christmas Tree at the Clubhouse. Because the Social Club had a nice treasury last year, we were able to afford a premium tree that had cost $328 all season long for $164 after Christmas was over at Micheal’s in Salem. The tree is 9ft tall when assembled and weighs over a 100 lbs. It is also pre-wired with lights.

There were humorous comments last year about the tree we had last year. We hope those can be laid to rest now with our beautiful new tree. At any rate the tree was going up and...

Jim and I ran into a snag.. Naturally, there were burnt out strands of lights... arghhh! Soon we found that they were just not plugged in..Whew! Oh..Oh... one of the strands refused to light...NUTZ! We were trying the easy stuff.. fuses etc., hoping for a miracle... Nothing.. Then Lady Luck smiled on us as we noticed that the machine that put the tags on the cord had cut the wire. Repaired and we were back in business with a fully lighted tree.

Jim and Bonnie rooted through the ornament boxes to find the top ornament while we had a ladder there. Jim put it on top and plugged it in... The shining star stood out proudly for all to see... Then it started flashing like a neon sign... Yech! Of course all we had to do would be to change out the flasher.... AND NOW COMES THE HANDY HINT PART........

Have you ever noticed that the base of the spare lights you have will not fit the base of the lights you need?... Maybe the store has the right bulb. Maybe not. More times than not you toss the entire strand of old lights and buy a new strand. Enter ... stage right, Jim Rose....

Jim said the bases of the bulbs just pull off and they are interchangeable with one another. So he pulls the base off the flasher and the base off a spare bulb we have and swaps them out... Worked perfectly... Thanks Jim.

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