Thursday, November 15, 2007

What to Call Elsewherians and why -

What to Call Elsewherians and why - "(Mental Floss) -- While the meanings of monikers like Ethiopian, Hobokenite, and Earthling aren't hard to suss out, it's a little tougher to guess where to find a Moonraker or a Zonie. And why the heck are Oklahomans called 'Sooners,' anyway? 1. Moonraker So, how'd the residents of Wiltshire, England, end up with this fancy nickname? Legend has it that around 1787, some brandy smugglers were on the run from the Five-0, so they dumped their booze in a pond. They narrowly escaped, but were later caught fishing for their brandy. When the cops asked them what they were doing, the creative bootleggers played dumb -- pointing to the moon's reflection and claiming (in all seriousness) they were fishing for cheese. Apparently, the police bought it, and the name 'Moonraker' stuck. 2. Zonie"

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