Friday, November 16, 2007


Sue Wilson called today to warn the park about what might have been her last few moments on Earth.

Sue was on her way to work and after leaving the park came to a halt at the traffic light at 101 where she planned to make a left turn and head south to work. Then, a premonition that something was amiss when the light signaled green for her to execute her left turn on to 101. She waited and looked to the North where she saw a large semi-truck obviously not going to stop for the light. She remained at a stop as the huge truck blew through the red light and a car as well because he was following the truck to closely to see the red traffic light. The truck most likely was doing 45mph or better. Let your imagination see what would have happened.. Try to pause as the light turns green and have a look at the on coming traffic... The extra care may let you live to be a really Senior citizen.

Sue said she followed the truck to the Agate Beach turn off where she believes it was delivering lumber to that construction project that has been going on for about year...

Good advice... Hope you have your attention here and take it.

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