Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A sixth-grade Christmas

A sixth-grade Christmas: "A sixth-grade Christmas

(Ray Wrona, file photo) :: One sixth-grader brings home his classroom's student-decorated Christmas tree and exceeded expectations.

By Lisa Canape
HappyNews Citizen Journalist
Updated: 12/21/05

After failing to bring home her classroom’s Christmas tree, one girl finds redemption when her sixth-grader brother steps up to the task.

[Full Story Below ?]
This story was written by Citizen Journalist Lisa Canape. We encourage you to click the Tip Jar to support this writer's work.
In many families, individuals assume certain roles that seem to typecast them throughout their lives. Despite being the youngest, I was 'the responsible one' in my family. I was the one who completed the chores when others didn't and the one who did the grocery shopping to ensure we didn't run out of food."

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