Monday, December 19, 2005


Just asking Old St. Nick for something special for Christmas at the Washington Square Mall yesterday. This is the first time Frida and I have been there, what a great mall. Loads of people also enjoyed the mall yesterday, it was packed. Then as Frida, Lisa our daughter who arrived from Denver on Saturday afternoon at PDX airport walked from store to store until we got to the end. I then happen to look out the door at one of the large department stores and saw the white stuff coming down out of the sky. So I gathered the ladies and out the door we went, along with a whole lot of other people trying to beat the Ice Storm. This was around 3PM and took us about 40 minutes to get to the Tigard exit. Long story short, we ended up staying at the Spirt Mountain Lodge for the night. Highway 18 had been closed, do to a tree was laying across the highway and accidents were happing. So we finally got home, sweet old home around 11:30AM today. Great to be here on the coast, so much warmer and no snow or iced streets. Posted by Picasa

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