Saturday, February 19, 2005

Jim Dodds sent a lengthy piece about a new virus going around.....

ron thomas

Jim Dodds sent an email about a pretty nasty virus making the rounds at this time. After reading through what it affects and how it gets onto your computer it boils down to one thing... If you open any attachment in your email you put yourself at risk. This one like others gets into somebody's computer from someone that opens an email attachment or a link and then propagates itself by emailing everyone in your email address book.

The point is... Even if you know who an attachment is from, even if it is a good friend or relative they may have been infected and not know it yet and as soon as you open their attachment you are infected too.

You may not be always protected by your anti-virus program. Think about it... A new virus attacks the internet by a mass mailing. Time goes by and then the major virus checkers find out about it. During the time between introduction and the spotting of the virus we are all susceptible. Then more time is needed to write a protection against the virus and finally distribute it to the paying users of whatever service you use. During that whole time you may be open to attack.

The best way to prevent attack is to use your best judgment about opening files and attachments from an outside source. Personally, we don't open anything from chain letters or anything written by someone we don't know. Mostly, we want to see that a download has a security certificate before we will get it.

Now, most of these attacks occur on Internet Explorer web browser... You can further enhance your protection just by changing to Firefox as your web browser.

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