Thursday, February 17, 2005

Political Blog offer

Want to get those political discussions going?

ron thomas

Well, the religious community does not seem to want their own site to discuss religious concepts and ideals. The below offer to build a site for their exclusive use has had no takers. The offer will stay open for as long as I am well.

So, onto the next concept... How about we build a website for those that would like to have ongoing political discussions? I would get it up and running and show the owners how it works. Which is very simple just ask Milt Sadusky. The people that are in charge of that site would make the rules about what is allowed. I would help with any technical assistance that is needed but would have no other responsibilities to that webpage. We would provide a link to the new site here on our LVH home page to the political discussion site and on the new page we would provide a link back to the LVH site.

In fact the political website could be set up much the same way as Jim and Marlyn McCrea have the Newsletter web page setup now. They feel they are computer challenged but that is not really true they grasp concepts very easily. The way the newsletter is published (most of the time) is for them to simply email it to a special address. They don't have to do anything beyond send an article to the newsletter via email... That's it. If there is a problem they email me and I take care of it.

So that is how simple having a website can be especially if you have technical support available. And so, if you want to start the LVH Political Discussion site... Using your own rules ... Here is your opportunity. Just post a comment in this article or email me.

Want to have a website for the Fisherman's Club? Same deal is open to you.
Does your club need help setting up a page? Have an idea for a webpage that would be of interest to the park? Same deal is open to you. Want your own personal web page? I will try to fit you in to. Comment below.

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