Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Religious blog

Religious Blog

ron thomas

As you have seen Milt Sadusky has his own weblog (BLOG) now. He has gained experience and a following. He writes articles and has and runs his own website with the rules that he has imposed on it. He has commenting where people can speak about his articles. It took very little to set it up for him and he had a few questions that were handled by email.

Now I'm looking for a resident(s) that would like to try their hand at writing a blog for those folks who want an outlet for religious ideas, thoughts and questions and would like to set their own rules about how that website is run.

I will come to you or your group and set up your blog for you. Then I will move off to the background and keep up the technical part of your page until you no longer need help. Then I will fade away completely and just be available for advice should you need it. Like Milt's web site we will provide a link from the LVH home page to your new website and a link on your web page back to the LVH site.

I'm hoping that some of you will see this as an opportunity to do something positive for your religion and a fun hobby for yourself. You can make it a team experience with more than one person in charge with all having equal access to your webpage. So this offer extends to more than one resident or just only one.

If you have any feelings that you don't have the ability to do this please talk to Milt Sadusky and ask him how he felt before and after mastering it. I'm sure you will find it was pretty easy and he is having fun

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