Sunday, February 20, 2005

ron thomas

Well it feels kind of like a Picasa kind of evening. Let's talk about what we are going to do and how it is going to come about....

First , many of us have noticed that our computers have our pictures that we have received through email and those that we have downloaded to our computer and even some we have no idea how they got on our computer. They seem to be all over the place and we have difficulty even knowing what we have let alone how to find them. If we had a simple way to find them and organize them and all others that came along we might be interested in investing a little time in that project?

What if we organized them into different albums and could make them clear and sharp with the click of a mouse? What if we wanted to play and put a red or green lens on the picture to give it a sureal quality? What if we wanted to click on a button to make our picture look like an old tin type? Maybe we don't like Uncle Ralphs slobering dog standing next to him but the picture of him is really with the mouse and dog be gone. Increase or decrease the size of the picture? Clic, click done. Turn a summer sky into a winter

Click and an album is put on a slide show on your computer..Except if you have TIVO then the slide show can be seen on your 54 inch TV screen..Clear as a bell. Organize your grandkids pictures in chronological order and watch them grow before your very eyes.

Ah yes... And all this wonderful new hobby for you comes to you at the cost of ...... Not a dime! No kidding. I've already gone through most of the process using Picasa 1 which I thought was a bit difficult for most of our seniors but now there is Picasa 2 and it is so user (that's you) friendly that you almost know what to do before they tell you.

If you want to try this there is more after everybody gets this one going we will move on to downloading the FREE sister program to Picasa which is called HELLO.

Hello uses a different technology for sending and receiving pictures. You know when you are in a chat room and type an answer to someone's question? Well hello incorporates a chatroom and at the same time you are talking pictures are sent in a second where old technology would have taken minutes and that is at dialup connection speed. Hello also allows you to leave and share pictures with those friends and relatives on your personal list.

So this is quite a project. I would like to point out to you that in order to put pictures on the website I have to pay about $40 a year to second site that stores what I want to put on the website but Hello will do it for nothing and so I soon will be experimenting with ways to put the icons on Hello (icons are pictures).

So , all retirees wanting a new fun/free hobby to use your computer and camera we are about to embark on an adventure. I will be your guide for part of the way but expect to be overtaken by those with a real love of photograpy along the way.. We may even start thinking of ourselves as a computer picture club down the way. Might even have meetings to share discoveries... Who knows?

Now you know what we are going to do I'm writing the lesson now. For those chomping at the bit go ahead and download Picasa now... There is link on the left side of the page... If anybody has trouble downloading it let me know .. I can help you even if I have to come to your computer and scold it for being difficult.

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