Thursday, July 05, 2007

Elizabeth H. Blackburn - Telomeres - Aging - New York Times

Elizabeth H. Blackburn - Telomeres - Aging - New York Times: "Q. What are telomeres and telomerase?

A. Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes in cells. Chromosomes carry the genetic information. Telomeres are buffers. They are like the tips of shoelaces. If you lose the tips, the ends start fraying.

Telomerase is an enzyme. In cells, it restores the length of the telomeres when they get worn. As the ends of the chromosomes wear down, the telomerase comes in and builds them back up.

In humans, the thing is that as we mature, our telomeres slowly wear down. So the question has always been: did that matter? Well, more and more, it seems like it matters."

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