Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Our Radio Alert system works again this day

If you had your FRS radio tuned to CH 5 this am you would have heard....

About the water and power outage. You would have known what there was to know.

We communicated with Larry Henson and asked him to make an announcement on CH5 FRS when he has information about community problems.. Someone is always listening now. This is your source for rapid information and What to do with it.

You need to buy an FRS radio and be prepared for emergencies, Neighborhood Watch concerns like strange vehicles and cars that are about. Police patrol cars, ambulances in the park.

Go to CH 5 and simply ask what is happening. Someone will tell you. You will be better informed and will get suggestions about what can be done. Or you can tell everyone about something you have witnessed. Eyes and radio can track anybody or anything around the park.

In addition to Larry Henson (park mgr) There are several people monitoring the local PUD, Fire, and Police frequencies and they share what's happening with us on CH 5 FRS.

More people listen all day all the time now. For less than $20 you can be informed. Buy a radio today at WalMart or Staples. Can't afford it? Talk to a CERT team member.. They will find a way to get one to you if there are spares available.

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