Monday, March 05, 2007

New Poll!

New Poll Question on the left...

by ron


We have the means with this poll question to save some printing $$ and answer a few other questions with just your simple "Yes or No" vote. Let me tell you what the whole thing will do.

First, all that is necessary to have the Newsletter posted on line is for me to show Charlie how to do it. A very simple process. When the newsletter is kept on line all the copies of it are archived forever. A search engine is available to search for past articles.

The calendar is not part of it. But, I have to make up a monthly calendar anyhow so if you give me your email address I will send you an attachment copy for your own. You can print as many as you want for hard copies.

All that said there is more information we can garner here. Every so often someone says, "Not everyone in our community has a computer". We all know that is true but do we know how many in our community do have a computer tuned to this website? Nope, we don't. We know generally that there are 150+ visits to the site daily. We have a statistical counter rigged up that shows how many visits, where the visitors are located geographically, the number of times they have visited recently, etc. But we really don't know how many use the site community wide. We know that relatives and friends of our community drop in from time to time to keep track of Mom and Dad or grandpa/grandma.

When you vote yes or no it will give a very rough idea of how many residents have computers and read the site. So we have an indirect stat there. If you see any other stats that can be inferred then let us hear about it in the comments below.

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