One thing you can do to uncomplicate your life and make email a really great experience is to stop changing your email address. Maybe you think that when you get a new email provider you have to use their free email service.. (Free until you change providers or move) Maybe you have Outlook Express and think that is the best because you learned to use it when you first got your computer. It works kind of ok but it stores your old mail on your computer... What happens when you get a new computer? Or when your computer stores too many things? Something has to go... Start deleting email.. Completely unnecessary.
These are non problems if you change the way you look at email. Email evolved years ago and has done nothing but get better. If you are stuck in the above loop you are losing out in so many ways and it does not have to be that way. You know how much you like updating your email address book when a friend or relative changes their email address? Well, it's time to stop doing that and you can tell them too.
What you need to do is get a free email service that lives on-line, has unlimited storage, categorizes and files every email you get. One that has your own private search engine that has looked at every word written to or by you .... Enter a key word and up pops all messages sent or received by you about the keyword for the rest of your life. No need to ever delete any email sent or received.. keeps them all on a computer that lives online not your computer at home. Travel somewhere? Not a problem .. everything is right there from any computer any place. Move? Change Internet provider? Not a problem your email is permanent and not dependent on a provider. Choose one address, one time and it is yours until you pass on.
Type the first letter of anyone in your address book on the email form and up pops all your contacts in alphabetical order of the one letter you type..click the one you want and you are ready to write.
Spam checker that stops them cold.. Add a label to special emails. Put a star on something really important. Send a friend an email ... they answer ... then you answer..etc. and it strings them together automatically so you can see what your entire conversation has been. Hi-lite sentences EZ link sending..
There is more and it will change the way you use email.. and it's free.
Gmail is its name. I'm not sure if you can signup for it now because it has been in "beta" (beta means test) for sometime. You had to know someone who had it that would send you an invitation. If you can't sign up for it just send me an email. I have quite a few invitations I'm willing share with residents. Give it a try. It's free.
Email me at : teckron@gmail.com
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