Saturday, February 17, 2007

A new Idea

We will be working on a new feature that we will introduce soon... Here it is...

Have you ever watched something really important, really intense, informative, entertaining, etc., on TV and wished you could share it with friends? Especially when your friends don't even know what you are talking about?


I knew it!

Well what we are going to do is have a listing right here on this site of neat things to watch with the rater's view as 3 to 5 star rating. We are going to post times and dates (we have Tivo and one of its features is it allows you to look into the future and see dates and times that a program will appear again.) of shows that are excellent which means you won't have to watch reruns or flip through channels endlessly.

The way it will work is we will have a special email address and you can mail your recommendation to that address. You give a rating, ***really good, **** Really rocked my boat and *****Knocked my socks completely off. Your name goes on the recommendation. If you can enclose dates and times of the next airing if not we will look it up but we would appreciate it if you did this small task as we have many irons in the fire.

Be careful how you rate things because your friends will begin to wonder about your ratings.. Ohhh so and so rates this 5 stars must be good or it's a real stinker.

We will have some fun with this for awhile and see how it goes...

Just put it in the coming Soon column while we set it up.. RT

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