Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Still here in California..

Today was the big operation. We were all at the hospital from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Lori had a bone removed in one part of her foot and grafted to the damaged area of her foot and then a screw put in to hold it all together. She has to keep her foot above her heart for a few days. Until that takes place we are going to have to stay put here at her home in Sunnyvale.

Getting up the stairs to her modular home found her crawling into her house as she can put no weight on her foot.

Since being here and using this new MAC computer of hers I found I cannot get email at my gmail address. So if you have emailed me there I have not read your email... Sorry. However, if you need or want to email us you can email me at and I do get that one on her machine.

Hot.. it's uncomfortably hot today... Wish we were on our way back.

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