Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Newport News-Times: Mona Lisa smile

Newport News-Times: Mona Lisa smile:

"Who knew the drive on Highway 20 into Newport runs through the Renaissance?

On a grassy hillside, three-and-a-half miles east of Newport, now rests the Mona Lisa. It's appearance there during the weekend was for many a mystery. But for the man who created her, its genesis isn't bound up in some DaVinci Code.

'It's just something I've wanted to do for about 35 years,' said local artist Samuel Clemens, who was driven to create her at last by a need to balance his art, his responsibilities and a growing feeling that perhaps never the twain shall meet.

'Out of the frustration out of not being able to do my artwork,' because he had been working so much, 'I decided I could do this and make myself happy again,' he said. 'And maybe other people would like to look at it, too.'"

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