Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Coming Home!

We are coming home tommorow. If all works out we will make it in one day. We did that coming down and saved the cost of a motel. Though it is not as enjoyable you get another tank of gas from the savings. So the trip is a wash compared to taking your time which is probably going to be the old way of doing things.

The economy is like a big balloon. If you sqeueeze it on one side (gas prices) it will pop out everywhere else on the balloon. The only way to adjust to that when you are on a fixed income is to find ways of eliminating other costs (i.e., motel stays). Trouble is eliminating motel stays will either drive there owners out of bussiness thereby increasing the costs of the other motel available lodging or make them reduce their costs by reducing amenities. Across the board all will suffer until we all adjust to a new and different style of living. Things then will proceed until the next ballon squeeze.

Fortunately for Americans, the squeeze often brings new ways and new products to offset the last squeeze. We will be trying out one of those new ways in an effort to help seniors get a leg up on saving some bucks. It's called VONAGE and will help reduce the cost of your telephone bill and allow you to do away with long distance charges.

LINK==> Vonage

I will be looking for ways to help our seniors cope with changes in the 21st century. Whem possible we will try them out and rate them. If you find a good one email it to me. Together we will try to get the most bang for our retirement buck. So don't despair when the economy tries to kick your nest egg fight back by honoring American ingenuity and going for the new way instead of holding on to the past.

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