Saturday, June 11, 2005

Why Do We Sign Up for Sponsored Events at the Clubhouse?


If you were arranging an event at the clubhouse designed to attract participation of a large number of residents.

  • How would you decide how many chairs to set out?
  • How many tables would be needed?
  • How many volunteers would you need for setup? For cleanup?
  • How many snacks or food would be needed?
  • How much food should be bought?
As you can see it is only reasonable that a signup sheet with the projected number of attainees must precede such events or they would be either over bought or under bought, over staffed or under staffed.

So you can count on a sign up sheet for most of the larger activities being placed on the bulletin board.

If you were expecting 30 to 50 people to sign up for an event and only 2 signed up what would you think that meant?

We took it to mean that there was no interest in the Casino Night scheduled for Saturday. That is one reason the event was cancelled. Another reason the event was cancelled was that some of the volunteers decided they could not be there to help.

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