Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Normally we have been averaging 50 page loads a day.....


I find myself wondering why? Why what you say? Well, as you know we have the comments link below each article for you to interact with each story or item ..to give your opinion.. your 2 cents as it were.

Some time ago Jim Dodds set up a statistical page that gleans all manner of statistics about how many times folks visit the page. What operating system they use to view the site. Where in the world they are located and many other tantalizing stats.

As you might expect I find myself looking at these and trying to analyze just what it is that gives an average day and what gives a superior day and why does interest recede below average at times? This type of feedback directs me in what to do next. Unfortunately, on a day like yesterday I get this huge spike of 94 page loads. I know it must be something that was written about in that day or maybe the previous day that got so much interest. When I look at the comments though I see nothing... Which article was it? ..Hmmm mystery time again.

If I could find the answer I would try to put more of what is interesting everyone on.... On the other hand maybe it was just that it rained yesterday and everyone was indoors with nothing to do?

Follow this link and you can see our statistics page and see what I mean...

Click here to see our statistics

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