Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Make sure you know that the Okie Breakfast has changed to April 2nd. Somehow the newsletter called for it to happen this weekend. Don't know how that was decided. It takes a lot of time to reschedule events. You can't just say well we will have it next week. Doesn't work that way. FYI There is a private party at the clubhouse this Saturday. There are new posters describing upcoming events at the clubhouse so be sure and check the bulletin board.

Even if you signed up for the Okie Breakfast you will have to do it again. It is a new event with a new date and we really need to know how many are coming because the food is expensive and will be bought according to how many sign up. $3.50 per person... Season pass holders free.

We're sorry this event was cancelled but there wasn't a person working on it that didn't have the flu or was operated on. Not really the ideal condition for food handlers.

Another error reported that I would put the emergency red light system in a person's yard for $7.00. Sorry that just can't be done. It is about 7 times that much just for parts these days. However, our volunteers will put your house number on your post light and give the post a coat of flat black paint for $7.00. All proceeds go to the Social Club.

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