Monday, February 28, 2005

Plea for Newsletter help

Look... You all like the Newsletter.. Right?
ron thomas

That's right I knew you would say "yes". Whenever the community has to be notified of something the first thing off everybody's lips is, "We'll put an announcement in the Newsletter." Here is what you are really saying... "We will tell the volunteers on the Newsletter to compose, and print the notice and then get it out to the community on time." Then we just forget about it and it is done.

What wheels are set in motion from that request? A volunteer takes time out to compose the request on his computer and then must arrange it to fit the newsletter format (Jim and Marilynn McCrea). Currently, another volunteer collects the money from advertisers (Jim and Jean Hart) and brings their ads to our editor who physically cuts and pastes them onto sheets of paper. Then on deadline day the completely arranged newsletter is copied and sent to our professional printer (John Forsloff) with the ads. The Newsletter is printed at a greatly reduced cost to the residents of this park thanks to a ... Volunteer (John Forsloff). Once the newsletter is published the Newsletter editor (Jim McCrea) has to see that they are delivered to your mailbox at the clubhouse. Then (he/she) have to rearrange the Newsletter into a format that can be published on our website copy of the newsletter for all those folks that are absent from the park and then do that.

Jim McCrea, Jim Hart and John Forsloff need help with these volunteer jobs. I think we can agree that they are already dedicating a lot of time for for the folks of the park. Who has not seen them helping to setup at a function or selling raffle tickets? Have you seen Jim taking time to interview residents about things of interest for the newsletter? Have you seen Jean Hart sending out cards of encouragement for the Sunshine committee for those of us that are ill or conducting the ladies coffee meetings? Probably not... We have come to expect that someone else with a lot of time on their hands will do all these things for us...They have nothing else to do and must be bored... After all we are very busy doing our thing in retirement....Right?

So when Jim McCrea called today to ask if I would take on making the ads for the newsletter because he doesn't know how to do it and has to actually use scissors and glue to cut and paste now. ... I felt inclined to help but in order to do the cut and paste operation with a computer a scanner is necessary. Mine is broken and can't be fixed. I told him no, I could not but I would appeal to the community.

What about it? A lot of you have a scanner. Say you have one and don't know how to use it? So you aren't going to volunteer to help do this job? Hey! I have a deal for you! I will come to your home and give you personal instuction on how to use it and cut and paste the ads for the Newsletter...

This community will grow closer every time a person steps forward and says , "I can do that". Every time a person takes a small piece of the load for the community it helps those that carry the greater burden. Come on.. Let's give our Newsletter volunteers a hand... You can do it.. Do I see some hands raising out there?

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