Saturday, April 05, 2008

The World Link: Saving: A way of life

The World Link: Saving: A way of life: "Beginning with a quick history lesson, Morgan said the Coast Guard was created when the United States Revenue Cutter Service — founded by Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury of the United States — merged with the U.S. Lifesaving Service in 1915. The Cutter Service, also known as the Revenue-Marine, was created to bolster the new nation’s economy by enforcing tariff and other maritime laws.

Today, the Coast Guard — the smallest U.S. armed service and the only military branch in the Department of Homeland Security — is the principal federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security and stewardship, Morgan said.

Nationally, the Coast Guard oversees 95,000 miles of shoreline, working to protect the maritime public and the environment, maintain homeland security and manage and preserve national and economic resources."

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