Tuesday, April 15, 2008


by ron thomas

Lifeline, the community service that is a terrific fit for Seniors living alone will make a presentation at the clubhouse on Thursday, April 24th.

Lifeline works through Samaritan Community Hospital. I'm not exactly sure how it works and that's why you will see me there at the lecture.

Here is the way I've been told it works.... You sign up for a modest monthly fee. They give you a pushbutton pendant that goes around your neck. You wear it all the time you are at home... If you push the button a signal is sent to your telephone and it dials the Lifeline Service. The signal goes to an operator who has a list of phone numbers that you have given LifeLine. They then call those numbers until one answers. They tell your friend or relative you have sent an emergency signal. That person then (whom you have provided a key to your home) goes to your home and checks on you... If no one from your list answers LifeLine calls 911.

Why? Do you need this? The answer lies in your lifestyle.

If you are single, living alone, my personal opinion is you need this. If you are single and fall like Nancy Moore recently did and spent a couple hours crawling from her front porch to the telephone.. you need this.

If you are single and stand up and twist your ankle like Ruthanne Carson just did.. you need this .

If you became dizzy while sitting in your favorite livingroom chair away from your telephone like Charley Curry did... you need this.

If you are single and fall and can't get up... you need this.

Living in CA. my wife's Mom fell and broke her hip.. hours and hours she struggled to get to the phone.. Wish we had known about lifeline...

Now you children and grandchildren living out there and reading this... Is grandma or grandpa or Mom or Dad living at Longview Hills .. alone? Step up to the plate and make sure they are safe. Talk to them... Make sure they go to the lecture.. If you can, get them the service, It's a good deal and cheap peace of mind insurance.

Lifeline is on the internet... do a search, find it. I wrote this because a single lady asked Larry Henson if she could use the LVH office as her number to call for help.. Answer no because Oregon law does not allow him to enter her property as the landlord's agent.

Living here is not like living anywhere else you have lived, I'll wager. Over time you will know and be on speaking terms with everyone. Everyone, not just the people on either side of your home and the one across the street like where you came from. This place is special... If you have a single person nearby ask them to come to this presentation...

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