Friday, March 28, 2008

Ok, I'm done....

After looking at code all day I think we are all set. You may or may not like the colors or want this or that and that is all doable .. Header pictures and all that could change. Difficult is to have our calendar in a scrolling position but if you want it instead of the link on the right mention it in the comments or when you see me and I'll figure a way to do it.

I kind of liked our old hokey blog.. felt like an old comfortable shoe... This is now very easy to maintain. You don't have to know code or how to do anything. you just click on the choices you want and it does it for you. The up side to that is if anything should happen anybody can step in and keep her going. Ginger Dale, Barb Dudley and Jacky Thomas are perfectly capable of running this site now. I have seen what they can do and this thing would be both easy and fun for them.

I hope you continue to enjoy the website, visit often, send those snowbird letters and vacation letters, we'll publish them... Get yer digital camera out and email me some whiz-bang pictures. Want to sell something? Send it along.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job Ron. I really appreciate your dedication and hard work to keep the LVH site working. I think many people are enjoying the wealth of information on here with more to come.