Thursday, March 27, 2008

CERT served our community twice today.... and you need to know about it...

Today a couple of events happened and CERT members came through for you. Marlene Crites made several broadcasts on CH6.16 throughout the community that workmen down on 101 were flushing a new water line they installed for the new tract being built North west of LVH... If you had your radio on you would have heard that there was a possibility of dirt in our lines... not good for expensive laundry or a parched palate.

Later in the day Ruthanne Carson fell at home and broke her ankle. She could not get to a phone... BUT... her FRS radio was handy. She called for help and Marlene again caught the call. Most of the CERT team was out of the park but Liz Hill and Coach McCready also heard the call for help. Two are CERT members and Liz is a LVH CERT volunteer. Coach responded to the call at Ruthanne's, bundled her up and got her into his truck with oxygen bottles that she needs and took her down to Samaritan Hospital for treatment and then brought her back home...

Did you know that many on the CERT team monitor the FRS radio park frequency 6.16 twenty-four hours a day, every day? Sometimes they may forget or be out of the park but for the most part everyone of you is watched over by your CERT team and they take that responsibility very seriously. Each week they meet and train on Wednesday at 11:00 am. They need help... You don't have to join CERT and train downtown you can be like Liz Hill, Kristy Graff, Ben Davi and Doris Davis and come to our Wednesday meetings and learn how to help our residents when the going gets rough. Learn how to back up the CERT team, your team. We don't care what kind of shape you're in or what doesn't work anymore, we are all in that same boat but we have a job for all that can help...

Our personal thanks to the team members that were home today and reacted to the events... Good job!

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