Friday, October 05, 2007


Bob Dean has an innate curiosity and became the first in the neighborhood to buy a 6volt battery and pry it apart to see if there were really 32 AA batteries inside... Bob says there was only 4...

My comment is if you hooked 4..... 1 1/2volts batteries in parallel you would get 6volts output.. but not for long...

Bob also bought one of the emergency lights that we discussed in the articles below. Now days they are using LED (light emitting diodes) as lights. They have characteristics that need understanding ... They draw very little current and therefore last for hours and hours and virtually never burn out the bulbs. The light they put out is very weak, however. On the other hand many manufacturers are putting more than 1 LED in them these days at a higher price but the light intensity is vastly improved.

Bob's light cost him about $9... If you read this Bob, how about reviewing your new light for us and telling us about the battery in the comments.

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