Saturday, September 15, 2007

PSSSt! Hey Buddy want to see an Earthquake?

Scientists, reading the geological record of sand deposits in salt marshes up and down the NW coastal areas and reading history books of the time both in the U.S. and Japan were able to put this picture together of what occurred along our shores in January 1700. The historical records as well as the geology allowed them to develop the below animation that runs over a 24 hour period. At the top of the map watch the hours slide by and the continuous flow of new waves being generated.

When the waves begin hitting Japan they rebound and head back to us across the Pacific. The earthquake came from our off shore fault structure slipping. Further research by scientists of the salt marsh records show that this type of event happens every 300 to 500 years. Our coast is now into the 300th year since the last event.... Start thinking about preparedness now.

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