Saturday, June 30, 2007

What's Happening in our Neighborhood?

With the new Neighborhood Watch Radio System. We (that monitor the radio all the time) knew when two police cars entered the park last night and they parked around the corner and waited for a half hour before going to Lenoard Johnson's home. Next morning around 10:00am The Neighborhood Watch Radio reports 3 police cars staging at Volk's house and then they go around the corner on foot to Leonard Johnson's home again. One officer is carrying an assault rifle around his neck..

The above is true, I witnessed it.. Ron Thomas.

They left with a male in handcuffs. (I didn't see that). The radio reported it.

Some neighbors have told us of loud arguments, music and heavy duty car repairs going on at this home. One person said they had taken up painting cars in the garage. Others say that Larry Henson said they can do this. Now this paragraph is all rumor. I have no way of
Knowing if it is true or not.

Not only does this kind of situation scare people in the neighborhood but it also can deteriorate the value of your home investment rapidly.

A suggestion has come my way that a group (large) should go to the clubhouse and ask what is going to be done about this by management. You all remember the questions and approvals we went through to get into this community? Have the standards suddenly been relaxed?

PS.... Just got a call from neighbors coming home last nigh at 1:00AM ... They said 4 police cars were leaving the park when they came in. (I didn't see this but these are good neighbors that told me).

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