Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Uh-huh... Like a cat in a sand box I'm covering more bases with our CH 5 monitoring.... IDEA! There are folks in the park with scanners that listen 24/7 to fire calls, PUD, ambulance, and police. It's kind of a hobby for some and others like to stay on top of what's happening. Sitting here and thinking about it, I know of 5 people park wide that do this. There are probably more.

I will find out what the frequency of CH5 FRS is and post it here and email those with scanners with it asking them to put it on their scanners. That will get us even more folks monitoring Ch5 all the time.. It may just fulfill our goal of around the clock monitoring and put more ears on our KnowZone network.

If you are a scanner person please tell your Neighborhood Watch Coordinator... They are like a clearing house for all information park wise. They talk to one another and keep each other informed. The park is divided into 3 areas with a coordinator in each area. The coordinators pretty much monitor CH 5 all the time. You can tell or ask them about park going ons any time between 8:00 AM and 6:00pm.. After that time make calls only to inform of something going on or to find out about an outage. Call 911 if something bad is happening.

If you live on Windmill and south of Windmill your coordinator is Bill Furgason.. If you live north of Windmill but south of the lake your coordinator is Rod (Coach) McCready. If you live north of the lake your coordinator is Marlene Crites. If you live in between any of those lines you can talk to your choice of coordinator.

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